Liberia US Presidents ,Trump

Price: $5.00 with FREE Shipping and Guaranteed Delivery
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Now you can recall significant moments in American history with this complete mint set of Liberia stamps honoring every president from George Washington to Donald Trump. Yours for just $5 – a savings of $21.85 off Mystic’s regular price. Act now and you’ll also get FREE shipping and guaranteed delivery.

This mint stamp set was issued by Liberia and is the first in the world to picture all 45 US presidents. Liberia and the United States have a strong historical connection – the tiny West African nation was settled by freed American slaves in 1822. They named their capital “Monrovia” in honor of then-President James Monroe, and modeled their new government after that of the United States.

Take advantage of this opportunity to get the complete set of 45 mint stamps honoring each US president for just $5 – a savings of $21.85. Plus you get FREE shipping and guaranteed delivery. Order today and you’ll also receive special collector’s information and other interesting stamps on approval. Limit of five sets at this exclusive price. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

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