Liberia US Presidents ,Trump

Price: $5.00 with FREE Shipping and Guaranteed Delivery
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Quantity: Limit 5 per order.

Collectors love to see our US presidents commemorated on postage stamps. And you will too!

This complete set of three mint stamp sheets bears every American president from “father of our country” George Washington to Donald Trump. Fun, historical and patriotic!

These Liberia stamp sheets include black-and-white portraits of every US president, his years in office, official signature, and a full-color image of the American flag as it appeared during his presidency. That’s over 230 years of US and presidential history in one money-saving set! Plus the top selvage of each sheet includes a vintage image of the White House.

Save 80% off catalog price on this classic stamp set. A great value for your collection at just $5. 

You will also receive special collecting information and other interesting stamps on approval. Limit five collections.  Send today. Satisfaction guaranteed.

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