75 Worldwide Flower Stamps

Price: $2.95 with FREE Shipping and Guaranteed Delivery
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Quantity: Limit 5 per order.

If you’re looking for something new and fun to do with your stamp collection, this is a great opportunity. You’ll see dozens of different flowers, some familiar, others exotic. Stamps may vary, but that’s half the fun! Some of the stamps I saw pictured roses, sunflowers, strange-looking orchids, and even cactus flowers. You’ll have a great time discovering them all. And, while real flowers only last a short time, the blooms on these stamps will survive forever!

Flower stamps are popular with collectors. This is your chance to get 75 of them at a savings of $2 off Mystic’s regular prices – plus FREE shipping and guaranteed delivery. Order today and you’ll also receive special collector’s information and other interesting stamps on approval. Strict limit of five sets at this low price. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

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