# H63 - 1893 12c Hawaii, red lilac, red overprint
High-Value Hawaii Overprint
As Few as 7,500 Exist!
Hawaii overprinted stamps chronicle the end of a monarchy – and a century-old debate over imperialism.
Backed by Hawaiian businessmen, U.S. troops overthrew Hawaii’s queen in January 1893. However, incoming President Grover Cleveland opposed annexing the sun-drenched islands. Without U.S. support, Hawaii’s provisional government was forced to overprint a small number of Kingdom of Hawaii stamps to keep mail service running. Just 7,500 12¢ Prince Leleiohoku stamps exist – act now to make this scarce stamp your own!
High-Value Hawaii Overprint
As Few as 7,500 Exist!
Hawaii overprinted stamps chronicle the end of a monarchy – and a century-old debate over imperialism.
Backed by Hawaiian businessmen, U.S. troops overthrew Hawaii’s queen in January 1893. However, incoming President Grover Cleveland opposed annexing the sun-drenched islands. Without U.S. support, Hawaii’s provisional government was forced to overprint a small number of Kingdom of Hawaii stamps to keep mail service running. Just 7,500 12¢ Prince Leleiohoku stamps exist – act now to make this scarce stamp your own!