2013 $250 Constellations Sheet of 4

# M11244 - 2013 $250 Constellations Sheet of 4

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Mint Stamp Tributes to Constellations

Issued in 2013 by Guyana, this neat mint sheet pictures four famous constellations, which are also astrological signs: Aries (the Ram), Gemini (the Twins), Leo (the Lion), and Scorpius (the Scorpion).  Each stamp pictures the constellation, with lines connecting the stars (making it easier to see how they get their names), as well as their astrological symbols. 

A great way to add the excitement of astronomy to your collection – order yours now.

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Mint Stamp Tributes to Constellations

Issued in 2013 by Guyana, this neat mint sheet pictures four famous constellations, which are also astrological signs: Aries (the Ram), Gemini (the Twins), Leo (the Lion), and Scorpius (the Scorpion).  Each stamp pictures the constellation, with lines connecting the stars (making it easier to see how they get their names), as well as their astrological symbols. 

A great way to add the excitement of astronomy to your collection – order yours now.