1976 Bicentennial Souvenir Sheets

Price: $14.95 with FREE Shipping and Guaranteed Delivery
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Get the complete set of scarce, mint-fresh U.S. 1976 Bicentennial Souvenir sheets for just $14.95.

The sought-after set of four U.S. Bicentennial Souvenir Sheets is one of the scarcest U.S. issues of the last 60 years.  Each five-stamp mint sheet features a famous Revolutionary War painting.  Normally $34.95 - you'll pay just $14.95.  Save $20 on these American stamp masterpieces.

Send today and you'll also receive special collector's information and other interesting stamps on approval.  Your order will be shipped flat by first class mail.  Limit one at this special price.  Satisfaction guaranteed.

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