# 2616 - 1992 29c World Columbian Stamp Expo
US #2616
1992 World Columbian Stamp Expo ‘92
- Commemorates the World Columbian Stamp Expo 92
- Marks the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of the Americas
- Features portion of 15¢ Columbian stamp
Category of Stamp: Commemorative
Value: 29¢, First Class Mail Rate
First Day of Issue: January 24, 1992
First Day City: Rosemont, Illinois
Quantity Issued: 148,665,000
Printed by: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printing Method/Format: Offset Lithography (Plates of 200 subjects – 10 across, 20 down) and Intaglio (400 subjects – 10 across, 40 down), separated into panes of 50
Perforations: 11
Reason the stamp was issued: This stamp was issued to publicize the World Columbian Stamp Expo ’92 that took place May 22-31, 1992. This expo was an international stamp event held in Rosemont, a suburb of Chicago.
About the stamp design: The central design for the stamp is an image from an 1869 stamp in the Columbian series. The original 15¢ stamp featured the painting the Landing of Columbus, by John Vanderlyn. The artwork hangs in the US Capitol.
Special design details: The words “Detail of U.S. 1869 Stamp” can be seen in the lower left corner of the stamp. Simulated perforations in the design and the words “U.S. Postage” give the impression of a stamp within a stamp.
The portion of the stamp that shows the 1869 stamp was engraved, while the rest of the stamp used offset printing.
Though the stamp has Chicago as the host city for the expo, it actually took place in the suburb of Rosemont.
First Day City: The First Day of Issue ceremony for the Expo ’92 stamp took place in Rosemont, Illinois, during the 15th annual Chicago Philatelic Fair.
History the stamp represents: World Columbian Stamp Expo ’92 (WCSE) ran from May 22 to 31, 1992. Its theme was “Exploring the World Through Philately.” Organized by Chicago stamp collectors and dealers, it was the first private stamp exhibition to have a US commemorative issued for it.
The stamp show was held on the 100th anniversary of the World’s Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago in 1892. This World’s Fair commemorated the 400th anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of the New World.
US #2616
1992 World Columbian Stamp Expo ‘92
- Commemorates the World Columbian Stamp Expo 92
- Marks the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of the Americas
- Features portion of 15¢ Columbian stamp
Category of Stamp: Commemorative
Value: 29¢, First Class Mail Rate
First Day of Issue: January 24, 1992
First Day City: Rosemont, Illinois
Quantity Issued: 148,665,000
Printed by: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printing Method/Format: Offset Lithography (Plates of 200 subjects – 10 across, 20 down) and Intaglio (400 subjects – 10 across, 40 down), separated into panes of 50
Perforations: 11
Reason the stamp was issued: This stamp was issued to publicize the World Columbian Stamp Expo ’92 that took place May 22-31, 1992. This expo was an international stamp event held in Rosemont, a suburb of Chicago.
About the stamp design: The central design for the stamp is an image from an 1869 stamp in the Columbian series. The original 15¢ stamp featured the painting the Landing of Columbus, by John Vanderlyn. The artwork hangs in the US Capitol.
Special design details: The words “Detail of U.S. 1869 Stamp” can be seen in the lower left corner of the stamp. Simulated perforations in the design and the words “U.S. Postage” give the impression of a stamp within a stamp.
The portion of the stamp that shows the 1869 stamp was engraved, while the rest of the stamp used offset printing.
Though the stamp has Chicago as the host city for the expo, it actually took place in the suburb of Rosemont.
First Day City: The First Day of Issue ceremony for the Expo ’92 stamp took place in Rosemont, Illinois, during the 15th annual Chicago Philatelic Fair.
History the stamp represents: World Columbian Stamp Expo ’92 (WCSE) ran from May 22 to 31, 1992. Its theme was “Exploring the World Through Philately.” Organized by Chicago stamp collectors and dealers, it was the first private stamp exhibition to have a US commemorative issued for it.
The stamp show was held on the 100th anniversary of the World’s Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago in 1892. This World’s Fair commemorated the 400th anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of the New World.