1977 Inaugural Day Set of 2 FDC's

# 57203 - 1977 Inaugural Day Set of 2 FDC's

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Fleetwood Commemorative Cover โ“˜ Ships in 1-3 business days. Ships in 1-3 business days. Free with 2,250 Points
$ 27.00
$ 27.00
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Little-Known Peanut Farmer Beats Incumbent for Oval Office

The 1976 election pitted incumbent Gerald Ford against Jimmy Carter, a little-known Washington outsider.  Carter immediately faced a series of financial and international crises.  Chronicle the historic election with two sets of covers canceled on Inauguration Day in D.C. and Carter’s and Mondale’s hometowns.

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Little-Known Peanut Farmer Beats Incumbent for Oval Office

The 1976 election pitted incumbent Gerald Ford against Jimmy Carter, a little-known Washington outsider.  Carter immediately faced a series of financial and international crises.  Chronicle the historic election with two sets of covers canceled on Inauguration Day in D.C. and Carter’s and Mondale’s hometowns.