Early 20th Century Stamps

Price: $9.95 with FREE Shipping and Guaranteed Delivery
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Now is your chance to own 10 used classic U.S. postage stamps for just $9.95.  You save off the regular price and get FREE shipping and guaranteed delivery.

You won't find a better deal on classic U.S. stamps.  As you might expect with stamps that have gone through the postal system, some have one or two minor imperfections.  These small flaws don't detract from their beauty or collectibility but do allow me to offer them at a nice discount.  You'd normally pay more for all 10 stamps, but you'll get them for just $9.95.

Did you know US #610 was originally issued on September 1, 1923, for a limited time of 90 days in memory of President Warren G. Harding?  Demand for the stamp far exceeded any previous special issue and it was impossible to meet demand by printing from flat plats alone.  The Bureau of Engraving and Printing was finally authorized to supplement the flat plate stamp with a rotary press version.  This was the first commemorative or memorial stamp issued using two different printing methods.  Eventually, over one billion stamps were made, stretching the original 90-day limit to nearly six months.

US #732 was issued six years later to arouse support for President Franklin Roosevelt's National Recovery Act.  Roosevelt personally requested the stamp and emphasized the importance of issuing the stamp as soon as possible.  The issue was created and placed on sale in just 13 working days.  It pictures four people walking side by side - a farmer, President Roosevelt, a laborer, and a female student.  Roosevelt was pleased with how the stamp turned out, though his sharp stamp-collector's eye noticed the large size of the woman's feet.  It was later also noted that, while four people were pictured, only seven legs appeared on the stamp!

Own this special set of classic U.S. stamps with small imperfections for only $9.95.  Send today and you'll also receive special collector's information and other interesting stamps on approval.  Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Limit of one set at this special price.

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